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Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

North America


Children will explore North America and know that it is made up of more than twenty countries and is the third largest continent. Children will recap on lines of longitude and latitude and know that these determine North America’s climates. They will then focus on time zones and understand that line of longitude affects the different time zones. Children will focus on New York City and know that it is a city in the state of New York. They will use a map of North America to identify its countries and then zoom in on the USA to identify the different states. Children will then be able to sort physical and human features of North America, and explain how land has been used, e.g. Manhattan for economic activity, be able to use a map of New York State to locate and name physical features and be able to compare the physical and human features of Leeds and New York City. They will use these skills to write about the geographical similarities and differences between the cities of Leeds and New York.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Longitude
  • latitude
  • time zone
  • New York
  • state
  • city
  • United States of America (USA)
  • country
  • economy
  • human feature
  • physical feature
  • climate
  • lines of longitude
  • lines of latitude
  • continent