Welcome to

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

Year 2

The class teacher in 2W is Miss Watkin and in 2M is Miss McLaughlin.

We also have:

- Mrs Tsopa (Teaching Assistant)

- Miss Hodgson (Teaching Assistant)

- Mrs French (Teaching Assistant)

- Mrs Lavin (Teaching Assistant)


Key Information

Our PE lessons are on Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). Your child can come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days or alternatively can bring it to school to change into.

Everybody has a reading book to take home linked to their phonics book and a book bag book. These are changed every Friday and both need to be returned on Monday.

Spellings to practice at home are sent home every Friday. Story maps will be sent home for children to practice linked in to the writing and story children are learning in class. Maths homework will be sent home linked to topic, revision or times table practice. We encourage parents to support with home when possible to help your child deepen their understanding and increase confidence.