Welcome to Year 2!
The class teacher in 2T is Mrs Towell and in 2P it is Miss Pitchforth.
We also have:
- Mrs French (Teaching Assistant)
- Mrs Lavin (Teaching Assistant)
Key Information
Our PE lessons are on Monday (outdoor) and Tuesday (indoor). Your child can come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days or alternatively can bring it to school to change into.
Everybody has a reading book to take home linked to their phonics book and a book bag book. These are changed every Friday and both need to be returned on Monday.
Spellings to practice at home are sent home every Friday. Story maps will be sent home for children to practice linked in to the writing and story children are learning in class. Maths homework will be sent home linked to topic, revision or times table practice. We encourage parents to support with home when possible to help your child deepen their understanding and increase confidence.
Welcome to Year 2! We have had a lovely start to our year and we are so proud of how all the children are settling in.
This half term in English, we are going to be focusing on grammar and punctuation. Towards the end of half term we will begin our talk 4 writing sessions. The children will be learning the key features to write an information text and will eventually write an information piece on animals.
In maths, we are focusing on place value to 100 and addition and subtraction. We will be exploring different methods to add and subtract two-digit numbers. In science, we will be learning about animals and exploring the basic needs of these animals.
We will be finding out about significant individuals in history, focusing on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. The children will have an opportunity to compare the two and explore how they impacted medicine today.
We are looking forward to a busy and fun half term! Well done everyone for such a fantastic start to Year 2.
Autumn 2
Well done Year 2 for a fantastic first half term!
In Autumn 2 we are going to be learning and retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We will use a character toolkit to write our own warning story. In maths we are focusing on multiplication and division of 2, 5 and 10.
We have enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale so far this year and we will continue to explore different nurses and their impact on medicine. In science we will be learning about humans and materials.
This half term we will be spending time practicing for our nativity - Hey Ewe! We hope you can all join us on Friday 13th December to watch the show.
Spring 1
Well done Year 2 for a fantastic first term in school. We would like to welcome Miss Pyrah to 2T who has joined us as a teaching assistant.
In spring 2 we will be learning the story of Cinderella. The children will learn how to write their own rags to riches story using talk for writing toolkits.
In maths, we will be focusing on measure including mass, temperature and pictograms. This half term in humanities we will be learning about lots of significant explorers in hot and cold places. In science, we will explore plants and living things and their habitats.
The children are working hard in daily phonics and reading lessons – please remember to return any home reading books weekly.
Spring 2
Year 2 had a fantastic half term in Spring 1, well done! This half term, Year 2 will be reading and learning ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We will be focusing on the features of speech in our writing and we will be continuing to develop our fundamental writing skills. In maths we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes. The children will learn how identify sides, vertices and lines of symmetry, as well as be able to describe and form 3D structures. After that, we will begin to explore fractions.
In History and Geography, we are continuing our learning on explorers, more specifically Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong, we also discuss the significance of cold and hot places all around the world as well as the seven continents. In science, we are also continuing our learning on living animals and their habitats. We will be able to identify what different animals eat and how they survive in their habitat.
Our PE days are on a Monday (outdoor) and a Tuesday (indoor). Please remember to arrive in PE kit on these days. We change phonics books every Friday so please ensure your child’s books are back in school every week.
Welcome to Year 2!
The class teacher in 2T is Mrs Towell and in 2P it is Miss Pitchforth.
We also have:
- Mrs French (Teaching Assistant)
- Mrs Lavin (Teaching Assistant)
Key Information
Our PE lessons are on Monday (outdoor) and Tuesday (indoor). Your child can come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days or alternatively can bring it to school to change into.
Everybody has a reading book to take home linked to their phonics book and a book bag book. These are changed every Friday and both need to be returned on Monday.
Spellings to practice at home are sent home every Friday. Story maps will be sent home for children to practice linked in to the writing and story children are learning in class. Maths homework will be sent home linked to topic, revision or times table practice. We encourage parents to support with home when possible to help your child deepen their understanding and increase confidence.
Welcome to Year 2! We have had a lovely start to our year and we are so proud of how all the children are settling in.
This half term in English, we are going to be focusing on grammar and punctuation. Towards the end of half term we will begin our talk 4 writing sessions. The children will be learning the key features to write an information text and will eventually write an information piece on animals.
In maths, we are focusing on place value to 100 and addition and subtraction. We will be exploring different methods to add and subtract two-digit numbers. In science, we will be learning about animals and exploring the basic needs of these animals.
We will be finding out about significant individuals in history, focusing on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. The children will have an opportunity to compare the two and explore how they impacted medicine today.
We are looking forward to a busy and fun half term! Well done everyone for such a fantastic start to Year 2.
Autumn 2
Well done Year 2 for a fantastic first half term!
In Autumn 2 we are going to be learning and retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We will use a character toolkit to write our own warning story. In maths we are focusing on multiplication and division of 2, 5 and 10.
We have enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale so far this year and we will continue to explore different nurses and their impact on medicine. In science we will be learning about humans and materials.
This half term we will be spending time practicing for our nativity - Hey Ewe! We hope you can all join us on Friday 13th December to watch the show.
Spring 1
Well done Year 2 for a fantastic first term in school. We would like to welcome Miss Pyrah to 2T who has joined us as a teaching assistant.
In spring 2 we will be learning the story of Cinderella. The children will learn how to write their own rags to riches story using talk for writing toolkits.
In maths, we will be focusing on measure including mass, temperature and pictograms. This half term in humanities we will be learning about lots of significant explorers in hot and cold places. In science, we will explore plants and living things and their habitats.
The children are working hard in daily phonics and reading lessons – please remember to return any home reading books weekly.
Spring 2
Year 2 had a fantastic half term in Spring 1, well done! This half term, Year 2 will be reading and learning ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We will be focusing on the features of speech in our writing and we will be continuing to develop our fundamental writing skills. In maths we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes. The children will learn how identify sides, vertices and lines of symmetry, as well as be able to describe and form 3D structures. After that, we will begin to explore fractions.
In History and Geography, we are continuing our learning on explorers, more specifically Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong, we also discuss the significance of cold and hot places all around the world as well as the seven continents. In science, we are also continuing our learning on living animals and their habitats. We will be able to identify what different animals eat and how they survive in their habitat.
Our PE days are on a Monday (outdoor) and a Tuesday (indoor). Please remember to arrive in PE kit on these days. We change phonics books every Friday so please ensure your child’s books are back in school every week.
Welcome to Year 2!
The class teacher in 2T is Mrs Towell and in 2P it is Miss Pitchforth.
We also have:
- Mrs French (Teaching Assistant)
- Mrs Lavin (Teaching Assistant)
Key Information
Our PE lessons are on Monday (outdoor) and Tuesday (indoor). Your child can come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days or alternatively can bring it to school to change into.
Everybody has a reading book to take home linked to their phonics book and a book bag book. These are changed every Friday and both need to be returned on Monday.
Spellings to practice at home are sent home every Friday. Story maps will be sent home for children to practice linked in to the writing and story children are learning in class. Maths homework will be sent home linked to topic, revision or times table practice. We encourage parents to support with home when possible to help your child deepen their understanding and increase confidence.
Welcome to Year 2! We have had a lovely start to our year and we are so proud of how all the children are settling in.
This half term in English, we are going to be focusing on grammar and punctuation. Towards the end of half term we will begin our talk 4 writing sessions. The children will be learning the key features to write an information text and will eventually write an information piece on animals.
In maths, we are focusing on place value to 100 and addition and subtraction. We will be exploring different methods to add and subtract two-digit numbers. In science, we will be learning about animals and exploring the basic needs of these animals.
We will be finding out about significant individuals in history, focusing on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. The children will have an opportunity to compare the two and explore how they impacted medicine today.
We are looking forward to a busy and fun half term! Well done everyone for such a fantastic start to Year 2.
Autumn 2
Well done Year 2 for a fantastic first half term!
In Autumn 2 we are going to be learning and retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We will use a character toolkit to write our own warning story. In maths we are focusing on multiplication and division of 2, 5 and 10.
We have enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale so far this year and we will continue to explore different nurses and their impact on medicine. In science we will be learning about humans and materials.
This half term we will be spending time practicing for our nativity - Hey Ewe! We hope you can all join us on Friday 13th December to watch the show.
Spring 1
Well done Year 2 for a fantastic first term in school. We would like to welcome Miss Pyrah to 2T who has joined us as a teaching assistant.
In spring 2 we will be learning the story of Cinderella. The children will learn how to write their own rags to riches story using talk for writing toolkits.
In maths, we will be focusing on measure including mass, temperature and pictograms. This half term in humanities we will be learning about lots of significant explorers in hot and cold places. In science, we will explore plants and living things and their habitats.
The children are working hard in daily phonics and reading lessons – please remember to return any home reading books weekly.
Spring 2
Year 2 had a fantastic half term in Spring 1, well done! This half term, Year 2 will be reading and learning ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We will be focusing on the features of speech in our writing and we will be continuing to develop our fundamental writing skills. In maths we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes. The children will learn how identify sides, vertices and lines of symmetry, as well as be able to describe and form 3D structures. After that, we will begin to explore fractions.
In History and Geography, we are continuing our learning on explorers, more specifically Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong, we also discuss the significance of cold and hot places all around the world as well as the seven continents. In science, we are also continuing our learning on living animals and their habitats. We will be able to identify what different animals eat and how they survive in their habitat.
Our PE days are on a Monday (outdoor) and a Tuesday (indoor). Please remember to arrive in PE kit on these days. We change phonics books every Friday so please ensure your child’s books are back in school every week.