Welcome to

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre


Welcome to Dragonflies!

Our exciting Nursery classroom is a wonderful place where the children are inspired to learn.

We believe that children should have fun as they discover and explore the nursery setting. We provide a rich and varied environment, where children have the opportunities to work independently, alongside peers and with adult support.

We have many areas of provision such as the creative table, small world, climbing equipment in the outside area as well as sand, water, construction, mark making, painting, reading, music, dough, and home corner role play as well as others! Provision is regularly updated and topics and themes are carefully planned to capture the children’s interest and imaginations and our experienced team work hard to ensure the children are safe, happy and make good progress during their time with us.

Our children are given the freedom, to explore through child-led activities and can take their learning either inside or outside as we operate a free flow system between the indoor and outdoor environments. The resources in each area are clearly labelled with words and pictures to encourage independence. Some children each day will also spend time doing an adult-led activity which could include baking, arts and crafts, a physical activity, music or practising our fine motor skills. The children have access to the outdoors, taking part in focused activities supported by the staff or learning more independently on the equipment to develop their physical development.

Anwin Gair (Teacher)

Anwin Gair (Teacher)

Jane Cook (Teacher)

Jane Cook (Teacher)

Natalie Carrington-Fletcher
Natalie Carrington-Fletcher
Brittany Hampson (Childcare Assistant)

Brittany Hampson (Childcare Assistant)

Spring 1

Spring 1 – we celebrated Chinese New Year and ate lots of Chinese food including noodles, stir fry and spring rolls – YUMMY.

We also learnt about dinosaurs and what happened to make them extinct.  We looked at pictures from the national history museum showing us dinosaur skeletons and fossils.  We all enjoyed learning about dinosaurs.


Books – we looked at Goldilocks and the three bears and used a story map and actions to learn the sequence of the story.  We also learnt how Goldilocks shouldn’t go into a strangers house without being invited.  We learnt about size and measure, making different sized beds, finding different sized chairs and different sized bowls.  We also made porridge and had lots of yummy toppings.


Phonics and Number – we have been engaged in lots of listening games and consolidating our recognition of SATPIN, doing lots of sorting activities, listening to different sounds, using musical instruments to make our own sounds.  Number – we have been consolidating our understand of amounts, what number actually means using subitising activities.


Spring 2 – we are learning Going on a Bear Hunt book and learning lots of actions that will help us to understand what happens in the book and we will eventually be able to retell the story.  We are also using elements of the story such as grass, mud, water to explore using our senses.  This book will last for a number of weeks and will end with a Teddy Bears picnic.

Physical development – some children are really interested in writing their names and looking at the letters they are familiar with in their name.  Some children wanted to use the scissors to snip around the edge with good success.




Phonics and number – we will be continuing using Number blocks and subitizing to learn about the numbers 6-8.  We will be using lots of fun activities and games to learn about numbers, amounts, shape and measure.
