Welcome to

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!
We have two Year Four classes in our school: 4H and 4N.
In each class there are two adults, Miss Hick and Miss Doyle in 4H; Mr Newton and Mrs Tsopa in 4N. They help support your child’s learning each day; if you have questions or concerns, please see one of us at the classroom door either before or after school.
P.E Day
Year 4 outdoor PE lessons are on a Tuesday afternoon. Please make sure your child is wearing their school PE kit.
Each week, we expect each child to play on TT rockstars at home for 15 minutes. This will be tracked by your child’s teacher. If you need your log in details, please ask a member of the Year 4 team.
School Trips
On the 25th October, Year 4 will be visiting the Royal Armouries for a World War 1 themed workshop.  This workshop will show us more about life in World War 1 and we will get the chance to see some amazing artefacts.  A letter with further information will be sent out in due course.
Year 4 swimming lessons are on a Friday morning. Please make sure that your child brings their swimming kit and a towel. Please note no jewellery including earrings are to be worn. The first swimming lesson will take place on 13th September.
Please note there are no swimming lessons in the first and last weeks of the term.

Autumn 1

In Autumn 1, we will be learning about numbers up to 10,000 in maths. We will look at the place value of the numbers and practice addition and subtraction methods. In writing, we will be practicing our grammar and punctuation skills before moving on to a discussion text where the children will learn to write a balanced argument. 
In the wider curriculum, we will be learning about local history of Leeds and how World War 1 affected people who lived here. In Science, we are learning how to classify and group animals. We are focusing on telling stories through our drawing in art. In our games lesson with Mr Young, we will be practicing netball skills. 

Autumn 2

Welcome back!
You had a wonderful 1st half term and have all settled so well into life in Year 4.
Our learning journey continues. This half term, we are focusing on multiplication and division in maths. We will be practicing our 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times table, aiming to become fluent in all. 
In English, we will be learning a portal story 'The Magician's Shop' and look at how we can help the reader visualise through our description. We will then write instructions using our model text 'How to make an invisibility potion'. 
In Geography, we will be learning about extreme earth! We will look at layers of the earth, how volcanos are formed and what happens when they erupt. Also, we will learn about how earthquakes happen and the damage they can cause. 
States of matter will be our focus in Science this half term. We will learn about solids, liquids and gases and how to change their state.
In RE, we are learning about different festivals in different religions and in PHSE, we will be looking at making choices. 
Please support your children to complete 15 minutes of TT rockstars each week. 
Thank you for your continued support.
Spring 1   
We are pleased to be welcoming you back after Christmas break. We look forward to all the exciting things that we are going to learn this term.   
This term, we will be writing developing the skill of using action in our story telling taking inspiration from the text 'Adventure at Sandy Cove'. We will then look at writing to persuade in our non-fiction unit using a leaflet encouriging people to visit Sandy Cove. The children will continue using Maths No Problem to improve their mathematical knowledge and we will be focusing on further multiplication and division as well as fractions and time. In our science lessons, we will be learning about sound and electricity, considering the importance of sustainability in the modern world. Our geography learning will be centered around rivers, with a focus on the importance of the River Aire to Leeds . In art, we will be exploring pattern and experimenting with how we can use colour, line and shape to create patterns, including repeating patterns . Our PSHE lessons will cover a wide range of topics from RSE and how children develop into adults both physically and mentally. Children will further develop their understanding of how to stay safe online and the impact of screentime on their health and wellbeing. 
P.E. is on a Tuesday and will take place outside unless it is raining.   
Swimming is on Friday.  
Your children will be set homework including maths (TT Rockstars) and reading. Children all have logins and should record their daily reading in their reading records.
Spring 2
Wow! We can't believe we are half way through Year 4 already. As always, 4H and 4N have been working so hard and we are excited for another half term.
This half term, we will be writing about Romeo and Juliet, focusing on characters. We will also write diaries from different character's perspective. We will continue using Maths No Problem to improve their mathematical knowledge and we will be focusing on fractions and decimals.  In Science, we are focusing on electricity where we will learn about different appliances and what a circuit needs for electricity to pass through.
Our Geography topic of the half term will be rivers where we will learn the features of a river, what rivers are used for and famous rivers around the world. 
Our PSHE lessons will be focused on democracy and understanding how our country is run. PE with Mr Young is on a Thursday and the children will be working on Tag Rugby.
Just a reminder, all Year 4 children will have a times table test in June. Please make sure they are practicing weekly to help their fluency.