Autumn 2
Welcome back!
You had a wonderful 1st half term and have all settled so well into life in Year 4.
Our learning journey continues. This half term, we are focusing on multiplication and division in maths. We will be practicing our 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times table, aiming to become fluent in all.
In English, we will be learning a portal story 'The Magician's Shop' and look at how we can help the reader visualise through our description. We will then write instructions using our model text 'How to make an invisibility potion'.
In Geography, we will be learning about extreme earth! We will look at layers of the earth, how volcanos are formed and what happens when they erupt. Also, we will learn about how earthquakes happen and the damage they can cause.
States of matter will be our focus in Science this half term. We will learn about solids, liquids and gases and how to change their state.
In RE, we are learning about different festivals in different religions and in PHSE, we will be looking at making choices.
Please support your children to complete 15 minutes of TT rockstars each week.
Thank you for your continued support.