Welcome to

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

Year 3

Welcome to Year Three  

We are the Year 3 classroom teachers; Mr Williams (3W) and Miss McLaughlin (3M), alongside us are Mrs Holburt and Miss Kitchen (Higher Level Teaching Assistants).


We are incredibly excited to be teaching your children this year in the Year 3. We practice an open-door policy in our classrooms, which means if parents have any questions or need anything from us, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can also catch either of us at the end of the day. We aim to respond to any queries as soon as we can. We are so looking forward to working with your children this year, and we cannot wait to see the fantastic achievements that they are going to make.


Autumn 1

In Year 3 this half term, there will be lots of learning taking place. In English, we will be learning about how the pyramids were built. In Maths, we will be focusing on place value with numbers up to 1000 and basic calculation. For our wider curriculum topics, we will be learning all about Ancient Egypt! We will also be learning about much more, including the skeleton and how we move (Science. What do Christians believe about a good life? (RE) team- building and gymnastics (PE) and finally making healthy choices (PSHE). P.E Day

Year 3 PE lessons are on Thursday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). Please make sure your child is wearing their school PE kit.

Times Tables Rockstars

Being confident with times tables helps children in many areas of maths curriculum such as short division, multiplication, word problems, and many more. In class, we support the learning of times tables regularly. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. We, therefore, strongly recommend you encourage your child to practice their times tables at home regularly or better still every night! All your hard work and theirs will make them a Times Tables Rock Star.

Autumn 2

Our English learning is based on the Polar Express. We will be writing stories and non-fiction texts based on this magical tale. In maths, we will be learning how to multiply and divide. In science, the children will be learning all about nutrient, diet and sustainability. In geography, we will be looking at climate zone. We will compare our climate to that of Egypt. In D.T., the children will learn about how to design and create a product. We will use that knowledge to create a fridge magnet.

We will also be going on our first Year 3 trip.... the details will be with you shortly!

Spring 1

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely, restful Christmas break.

This half term, we will be exploring portal stories in English using Elf Road as a stimulus. We will also be writing a non- fiction text explaining how to return to the real world. We will also improve our spelling using phonics and spelling lessons.

In maths, we will finish our division unit and then move on to exploring weights and measures.

We will continue to develop our reading skills using a mixture of phonics and comprehension.

In Science, we will be learning all about rocks and soils. This one might get messy!

In Geography, we will be learning about our European neighbours. We will compare Leeds to Barcelona. If you have ever visited, please share your stories and pictures with the children.

In PE, we will learn to work together as a team by playing dodgeball and develop our flexibility in gymnastics.

In PSHE, we will be learning all about healthy relationships.

In RE, we will be exploring how different religions express their spirituality.

As usual, homework for the children is 30 minutes per week on TT Rockstars and 3 reads at home. Excitingly, Year 3 can now join in after school clubs. Please see the schoop for further information.

Spring 2

Welcome Back to Spring 2! 

We’ve now reached the halfway point of the academic year, and as we step into this new half term, we look forward to warmer days, lighter mornings and evenings, and hopefully plenty of sunshine! 

What’s Happening This Half Term? 

📊 Maths – This half term, we will be diving into topics such as length, mass, and volume. We’ll be working on practical skills like measuring with a ruler and calculating weight using scales. 

📖 English – Our focus in writing will be on wishing stories, inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We’ll explore how to build imaginative settings, develop engaging characters, and craft stories where wishes lead to surprising outcomes! 

📚 Reading – We will continue developing our fluency and comprehension skills, focusing on reading with expression and understanding different types of texts. 

🔡 Spelling – We will build on our phonics knowledge and spelling rules, helping to improve our accuracy and confidence when spelling both familiar and new words. 

💡 Science – This half term, we are exploring the fascinating topic of light! We’ll investigate how light travels, how shadows are formed, and the importance of light in our daily lives. There will be plenty of hands-on experiments to help us understand these concepts in an exciting way. 

💰 PSHE – Our focus will be on saving and spending money, helping us to understand the value of money, budgeting, and making responsible financial decisions. 

👩🍳 DT (Design and Technology) – We’re in for a treat! This half term, we’ll be learning how to cook a bread. You may even get the chance to sample some of our delicious creations! 


PE Days: Outdoor PE will be on Friday, and indoor PE will be on Wednesday (3W) and Thursday (3M). Please ensure that PE kits are brought in on these days. 

🏡 Homework: 

  • Reading – Read at home at least three times per week and log it in your child’s Reading Record. 

  • Times Tables – Play on TT Rockstars for 30 minutes each week to keep improving your times table skills. 

We’re looking forward to another exciting and productive half term ahead! Let’s make it a great one! 🌟 

Welcome to

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

Year 3

Welcome to Year Three  

We are the Year 3 classroom teachers; Mr Williams (3W) and Miss McLaughlin (3M), alongside us are Mrs Holburt and Miss Kitchen (Higher Level Teaching Assistants).


We are incredibly excited to be teaching your children this year in the Year 3. We practice an open-door policy in our classrooms, which means if parents have any questions or need anything from us, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can also catch either of us at the end of the day. We aim to respond to any queries as soon as we can. We are so looking forward to working with your children this year, and we cannot wait to see the fantastic achievements that they are going to make.


Autumn 1

In Year 3 this half term, there will be lots of learning taking place. In English, we will be learning about how the pyramids were built. In Maths, we will be focusing on place value with numbers up to 1000 and basic calculation. For our wider curriculum topics, we will be learning all about Ancient Egypt! We will also be learning about much more, including the skeleton and how we move (Science. What do Christians believe about a good life? (RE) team- building and gymnastics (PE) and finally making healthy choices (PSHE). P.E Day

Year 3 PE lessons are on Thursday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). Please make sure your child is wearing their school PE kit.

Times Tables Rockstars

Being confident with times tables helps children in many areas of maths curriculum such as short division, multiplication, word problems, and many more. In class, we support the learning of times tables regularly. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. We, therefore, strongly recommend you encourage your child to practice their times tables at home regularly or better still every night! All your hard work and theirs will make them a Times Tables Rock Star.

Autumn 2

Our English learning is based on the Polar Express. We will be writing stories and non-fiction texts based on this magical tale. In maths, we will be learning how to multiply and divide. In science, the children will be learning all about nutrient, diet and sustainability. In geography, we will be looking at climate zone. We will compare our climate to that of Egypt. In D.T., the children will learn about how to design and create a product. We will use that knowledge to create a fridge magnet.

We will also be going on our first Year 3 trip.... the details will be with you shortly!

Spring 1

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely, restful Christmas break.

This half term, we will be exploring portal stories in English using Elf Road as a stimulus. We will also be writing a non- fiction text explaining how to return to the real world. We will also improve our spelling using phonics and spelling lessons.

In maths, we will finish our division unit and then move on to exploring weights and measures.

We will continue to develop our reading skills using a mixture of phonics and comprehension.

In Science, we will be learning all about rocks and soils. This one might get messy!

In Geography, we will be learning about our European neighbours. We will compare Leeds to Barcelona. If you have ever visited, please share your stories and pictures with the children.

In PE, we will learn to work together as a team by playing dodgeball and develop our flexibility in gymnastics.

In PSHE, we will be learning all about healthy relationships.

In RE, we will be exploring how different religions express their spirituality.

As usual, homework for the children is 30 minutes per week on TT Rockstars and 3 reads at home. Excitingly, Year 3 can now join in after school clubs. Please see the schoop for further information.

Spring 2

Welcome Back to Spring 2! 

We’ve now reached the halfway point of the academic year, and as we step into this new half term, we look forward to warmer days, lighter mornings and evenings, and hopefully plenty of sunshine! 

What’s Happening This Half Term? 

📊 Maths – This half term, we will be diving into topics such as length, mass, and volume. We’ll be working on practical skills like measuring with a ruler and calculating weight using scales. 

📖 English – Our focus in writing will be on wishing stories, inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We’ll explore how to build imaginative settings, develop engaging characters, and craft stories where wishes lead to surprising outcomes! 

📚 Reading – We will continue developing our fluency and comprehension skills, focusing on reading with expression and understanding different types of texts. 

🔡 Spelling – We will build on our phonics knowledge and spelling rules, helping to improve our accuracy and confidence when spelling both familiar and new words. 

💡 Science – This half term, we are exploring the fascinating topic of light! We’ll investigate how light travels, how shadows are formed, and the importance of light in our daily lives. There will be plenty of hands-on experiments to help us understand these concepts in an exciting way. 

💰 PSHE – Our focus will be on saving and spending money, helping us to understand the value of money, budgeting, and making responsible financial decisions. 

👩🍳 DT (Design and Technology) – We’re in for a treat! This half term, we’ll be learning how to cook a bread. You may even get the chance to sample some of our delicious creations! 


PE Days: Outdoor PE will be on Friday, and indoor PE will be on Wednesday (3W) and Thursday (3M). Please ensure that PE kits are brought in on these days. 

🏡 Homework: 

  • Reading – Read at home at least three times per week and log it in your child’s Reading Record. 

  • Times Tables – Play on TT Rockstars for 30 minutes each week to keep improving your times table skills. 

We’re looking forward to another exciting and productive half term ahead! Let’s make it a great one! 🌟