Welcome to

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

Year 5

We have two Year Five classes in our school: 5C and 5R.
In each class there are two adults, Miss Crane and Mrs Egan in 5C; Mr Coulson and Miss Blackburn in 5R. They help support your child’s learning each day; if you have questions or concerns, please see one of us at the classroom door either before or after school.


P.E. Day
Year 5 P.E. lessons are on a Monday (outdoor games) and Wednesday (indoor P.E.). Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate school P.E. kit.
As well as reading at home, children will be set homework each week on Times Table Rockstars. They will have 15 garage minutes to complete. Quick recall of times tables will be important as the demands of the maths curriculum increase – teachers will be tailoring TTR practice to your child’s needs to best support them fill any gaps in their knowledge.
Autumn 1
In Autumn 1, the children will write be developing their grammar and punctuation skills before writing some instructions, using How to Trap an Ogre as their model text. We will be using Maths No Problem to further children’s mathematical knowledge and understanding with our focus in Autumn 1 being place value. Our first few reading lessons are based around gladiators and Boudicca, but we will be using a range of texts to help develop our reading skills. In history, we will focus on how life in Britain changed during the Anglo-Saxon and Viking eras. Our first science topic will be forces and we will then begin looking at space. In our P.E. lessons we will be improving our hockey skills during games sessions and we are developing our ability to work together with some team building when we’re in the hall.

Autumn 2 

Year 5 have settled into their first term in Year 5 brilliantly and we have some exciting things happening over the course of this half term. Our model text in English is A Christmas Carol, where we will be writing out own character flaw stories using the famous miser Ebenezer Scrooge as a model character. In Maths, we will be continuing to develop our multiplication and division methods, beginning with looking at how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. Our focus in History will be the Viking age, continuing on from our Anglo-Saxons topic in Autumn 1. Finally, for science we will be exploring space and learning about global warming in our sustainability unit.

Homework this half term remains as 15 minutes of garage on TTRockstars and reading books, which can be taken home each evening.

Thank you, as always, for your support at home.

Spring 1

Year 5 have made a great start to 2024. In English, we will be focusing on writing a suspense story based on ‘The Nightmare Man’. In Maths we will continue to practise key number skills with the four operations and begin work on fractions. In addition to this, we will be studying the Mayan period in history. We will also be thinking about properties of materials in science. In RE, we will be thinking about special places and pilgrimages for different religions. Finally, in art we will be looking at monotypes and will be making our own prints using this method.

As always, thank you for your support at home.

Spring 2

In English, we will be focusing on writing portal stories, using ‘The Time Slip Scarab’ as our model text. We will then be focussing on recounts as our non-fiction text and writing our own newspaper articles. In Maths, we will be learning about decimals, percentages and angles. In addition to this, we will be learning about climate zones in Geography. We will also be thinking about life cycles of mammals and plants in Science. Finally, in art we will be continuing to work on our visual poetry zines, using monotype printing.

As always, thank you for your support at home.

Welcome to

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

Year 5

We have two Year Five classes in our school: 5C and 5R.
In each class there are two adults, Miss Crane and Mrs Egan in 5C; Mr Coulson and Miss Blackburn in 5R. They help support your child’s learning each day; if you have questions or concerns, please see one of us at the classroom door either before or after school.


P.E. Day
Year 5 P.E. lessons are on a Monday (outdoor games) and Wednesday (indoor P.E.). Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate school P.E. kit.
As well as reading at home, children will be set homework each week on Times Table Rockstars. They will have 15 garage minutes to complete. Quick recall of times tables will be important as the demands of the maths curriculum increase – teachers will be tailoring TTR practice to your child’s needs to best support them fill any gaps in their knowledge.
Autumn 1
In Autumn 1, the children will write be developing their grammar and punctuation skills before writing some instructions, using How to Trap an Ogre as their model text. We will be using Maths No Problem to further children’s mathematical knowledge and understanding with our focus in Autumn 1 being place value. Our first few reading lessons are based around gladiators and Boudicca, but we will be using a range of texts to help develop our reading skills. In history, we will focus on how life in Britain changed during the Anglo-Saxon and Viking eras. Our first science topic will be forces and we will then begin looking at space. In our P.E. lessons we will be improving our hockey skills during games sessions and we are developing our ability to work together with some team building when we’re in the hall.

Autumn 2 

Year 5 have settled into their first term in Year 5 brilliantly and we have some exciting things happening over the course of this half term. Our model text in English is A Christmas Carol, where we will be writing out own character flaw stories using the famous miser Ebenezer Scrooge as a model character. In Maths, we will be continuing to develop our multiplication and division methods, beginning with looking at how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. Our focus in History will be the Viking age, continuing on from our Anglo-Saxons topic in Autumn 1. Finally, for science we will be exploring space and learning about global warming in our sustainability unit.

Homework this half term remains as 15 minutes of garage on TTRockstars and reading books, which can be taken home each evening.

Thank you, as always, for your support at home.

Spring 1

Year 5 have made a great start to 2024. In English, we will be focusing on writing a suspense story based on ‘The Nightmare Man’. In Maths we will continue to practise key number skills with the four operations and begin work on fractions. In addition to this, we will be studying the Mayan period in history. We will also be thinking about properties of materials in science. In RE, we will be thinking about special places and pilgrimages for different religions. Finally, in art we will be looking at monotypes and will be making our own prints using this method.

As always, thank you for your support at home.

Spring 2

In English, we will be focusing on writing portal stories, using ‘The Time Slip Scarab’ as our model text. We will then be focussing on recounts as our non-fiction text and writing our own newspaper articles. In Maths, we will be learning about decimals, percentages and angles. In addition to this, we will be learning about climate zones in Geography. We will also be thinking about life cycles of mammals and plants in Science. Finally, in art we will be continuing to work on our visual poetry zines, using monotype printing.

As always, thank you for your support at home.

Welcome to

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

Year 5

We have two Year Five classes in our school: 5C and 5R.
In each class there are two adults, Miss Crane and Mrs Egan in 5C; Mr Coulson and Miss Blackburn in 5R. They help support your child’s learning each day; if you have questions or concerns, please see one of us at the classroom door either before or after school.


P.E. Day
Year 5 P.E. lessons are on a Monday (outdoor games) and Wednesday (indoor P.E.). Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate school P.E. kit.
As well as reading at home, children will be set homework each week on Times Table Rockstars. They will have 15 garage minutes to complete. Quick recall of times tables will be important as the demands of the maths curriculum increase – teachers will be tailoring TTR practice to your child’s needs to best support them fill any gaps in their knowledge.
Autumn 1
In Autumn 1, the children will write be developing their grammar and punctuation skills before writing some instructions, using How to Trap an Ogre as their model text. We will be using Maths No Problem to further children’s mathematical knowledge and understanding with our focus in Autumn 1 being place value. Our first few reading lessons are based around gladiators and Boudicca, but we will be using a range of texts to help develop our reading skills. In history, we will focus on how life in Britain changed during the Anglo-Saxon and Viking eras. Our first science topic will be forces and we will then begin looking at space. In our P.E. lessons we will be improving our hockey skills during games sessions and we are developing our ability to work together with some team building when we’re in the hall.

Autumn 2 

Year 5 have settled into their first term in Year 5 brilliantly and we have some exciting things happening over the course of this half term. Our model text in English is A Christmas Carol, where we will be writing out own character flaw stories using the famous miser Ebenezer Scrooge as a model character. In Maths, we will be continuing to develop our multiplication and division methods, beginning with looking at how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. Our focus in History will be the Viking age, continuing on from our Anglo-Saxons topic in Autumn 1. Finally, for science we will be exploring space and learning about global warming in our sustainability unit.

Homework this half term remains as 15 minutes of garage on TTRockstars and reading books, which can be taken home each evening.

Thank you, as always, for your support at home.

Spring 1

Year 5 have made a great start to 2024. In English, we will be focusing on writing a suspense story based on ‘The Nightmare Man’. In Maths we will continue to practise key number skills with the four operations and begin work on fractions. In addition to this, we will be studying the Mayan period in history. We will also be thinking about properties of materials in science. In RE, we will be thinking about special places and pilgrimages for different religions. Finally, in art we will be looking at monotypes and will be making our own prints using this method.

As always, thank you for your support at home.

Spring 2

In English, we will be focusing on writing portal stories, using ‘The Time Slip Scarab’ as our model text. We will then be focussing on recounts as our non-fiction text and writing our own newspaper articles. In Maths, we will be learning about decimals, percentages and angles. In addition to this, we will be learning about climate zones in Geography. We will also be thinking about life cycles of mammals and plants in Science. Finally, in art we will be continuing to work on our visual poetry zines, using monotype printing.

As always, thank you for your support at home.