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Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre


As a school we use Lexplore Analytics to assess children's reading. 

Step 1: Evidence Based Assessment

This unique assessment is as simple as it is effective and takes just 2 to 5 minutes per pupil. Pupils read two short passages of text from a monitor with an eye tracking device attached, one out loud and one silently.  Each passage is then followed by some comprehension questions.

Step 2: Machine Learning Analysis

By monitoring spontaneous eye movement we can quickly analyse the key reading components and gain a detailed insight into how reading ability varies when pupils process text across different levels.

Once a pupil has sat our assessment the recordings are uploaded to a secure, cloud-based platform. Machine learning analysis is then able to provide teachers with immediate and accurate results without the need for any marking, paperwork, or manual evaluation.

Step 3: Results and Intervention

Within the secure Results Portal teachers can find a percentile score, a reading age, a year level equivalent, and a standard score for each pupil. They can also see a unique visual representation of the reading process and for the first time what reading silently looks like.

Individual measures are also displayed alongside previous results, the school average and the national average for each reading component, including reading speed and fixation time. This enables teachers to monitor the most minor progress at a granular level.

Find out more by watching the video below.